Nectar Flows

One of our Barren County Association meetings was visited by Author and Beekeeper Shannon Trimboli. Thank you for your presentation and for the added direction on Kentucky nectar flows!

Support the bees – Adopt a hive

Your support will go a long ways to help our local pollinators, our bees will show you some of the direct benefits of giving our support (once a year, we will send you a jar of honey along with a picture of your adopted hive).  10% of every adoption will also go towards planting pollinator-friendly plants every year.  Thank you for your support!

The Apiary

A family working together to improve our community and the environment!

Ambrosia (food of the gods)

noun GREEK - the food of the gods - something very pleasing to taste or smell

All of our products are raised locally here in Kentucky by our family for you our customer!  Please feel free to put us to the test.  We are certified for local Kentucky honey production.  We believe in supporting LOCAL!  Please feel free to send us your questions.  We look forward to serving you!

Local Products For Sale

Queens, nucleus colonies, honey, Dexter beef & more!  We look forward to working with you! 

About the Farm

Ambrosia farm is a fulfillment of a lifelong dream. We look forward to sharing the fruits of our labor with you.



Knob Lick, Kentucky